3.RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION POLICY (including Dress Code Policy)
The Recruitment Policy in relation to an Early Years Service means a policy specifying the procedure to be followed by the registered provider when hiring employees and unpaid workers, including the steps to be taken to check and verify references, qualifications and vetting documentation.
The goals of this policy are:
· To recruit the best possible people to Play Together Crèche and provide clear guidelines to management and employees on the recruitment and selection process.
· To ensure, through the recruitment and selection process, that children are protected and Play Together Crèche fulfils its duty of care relating to safe recruitment and selection practice.
· To ensure the process is managed fairly without either direct or indirect discrimination towards any individual or group.
· To ensure that Play Together Crèche is compliant with all relevant legislation and quality practice in this area.
Legislation and regulatory requirements
· Under Regulation 9 of the Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) Regulations 2016, the registered provider must ensure that an effective management structure is in place, and appropriate people are recruited to ensure the quality and safety of the care provided to the children attending the service.
· Having a clear, written policy and procedure on Recruitment is a requirement under Regulation 10 of the Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) Regulations 2016. The policy must cover both paid and unpaid workers.
· Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) (Amendment) Regulations 2016
Children’s need:
· To be cared for and educated by adults who are appropriately qualified.
· The adults who care for them and provide for their education to have the attributes, knowledge, skills and competencies to provide their curriculum/programmes of activities and meet their wellbeing, learning and development needs safely, responsibly and according to the highest quality standards.
· To be safe when in the company of adults in the setting who are there to assist their main educators (such as contractors, volunteers and students).
Parents’/Families’ need to:
· Be assured that the service’s approach to recruiting and selecting the early years educators and other staff members who will be responsible for planning and providing for their child’s care and education, while in the early years setting is professional, fair and safe.
· Know that their young child will be safe in the company of any other workers who will spend time interacting with them while they are in the service, either paid or unpaid.
Staff need to know:
· That the service’s recruitment and selection processes are fair, open and transparent and are not discriminatory.
· How the service recruits staff.
Management need to:
· Know that the recruitment and selection process is clear and transparent for all stakeholders.
· Know that they have established safe and appropriate systems and procedures to ensure that the best possible people are recruited to the staff team to ensure the provision of a safe and good quality service.
· Ensure that they fulfil their duty of care to all stakeholders, especially the children in their care, and that all relevant legislation and regulations are fully complied with.
National Quality Frameworks
· Tusla: Quality Regulatory Framework
· Síolta: The National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education
2. Definitions/Glossary
A person who enters into or works under a contract of employment with the registered provider. |
A person who works in the service but who is not remunerated for such work by the registered provider. |
A process to check or prove the legality or accuracy of a document |
Direct discrimination happens when someone is treated worse than another person or other people because: · of their characteristic, real or perceived · they are connected to someone with that protected characteristic (known as discrimination by association)
Indirect discrimination happens when there is a policy that applies in the same way for everybody but disadvantages a group of people who share a characteristic |
This policy applies to all recruitment in Play Together Crèche.
All recruitment, selection and promotion carried out in this service is in compliance with employment and equality legislation.
It is the policy of Play Together Crèche to recruit and select the best candidate for any vacant position within our childcare service. Our staff are one of the key resources we have in achieving our aims and objectives of providing good quality care to the children in our service. Our primary concern is selecting the right candidate that will cherish the children in our care and help each one of them to reach their potential.
The following is how our service operates its recruitment process to ensure the best candidate is chosen for every position, with particular reference to the suitability to work with young children. All processes are fair and transparent and all appointments are made on merit and in an open and accountable manner.
Equal Opportunities
It is the policy of Play Together Crèche to:
· Deal with all applications with courtesy and efficiency;
· Select candidates on the basis of their qualifications, skills, competencies and/or experience for the vacancy concerned (see Appendix A); and
· To give every person interviewed a fair and thorough hearing.
· To give equal access to the selection process to applicants who meet the selection criteria.
· Discriminate unfairly against potential applicants on grounds of gender, civil status, family status, disability, sexual orientation, age, religion, race or membership of the Traveller community (Employment Equality Acts 1998 to 2015); or trade union membership / activity
· Discriminate unfairly against persons with a criminal record; or
· Make any false statements in recruitment literature of job advertisements.
Garda/Police Vetting
· The Owner/Manager and all employees of this service will each have two references taken up and will also be appropriately Garda/Police Vetted. Garda Vetting is renewed every three years.
· All other persons who work in the service such as contractors, students and volunteers will be appropriately vetted to ensure that children are protected at all times.
· Parents/guardians who go on occasional outings and/or who work in a supportive role with the service are not required to be vetted as they will not have unsupervised access to children other than their own.
See Appendix B for the Recruitment Schedule/Checklist
Job Descriptions and Personal Specifications
Play Together Crèche has updated job specifications and job descriptions for each position. see Appendices A and C.
· Advertisements and the selection process will not discriminate on any of the nine grounds protected by the Employment Equality Acts 1998 to 2015. These are gender, marital status, family status, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, race, and membership of the traveller community.
· It is essential that advertisements for all vacancies are impartial and objective.
· All posts must have:
o A standard job description- outlining the functions and objectives of the role, responsibilities and expectations, and minimum qualifications;
o A person specification of desirable attributes, skills and competencies associated with the job,
o Details of terms and conditions of employment
· All staff on protective leave (such as maternity or parental leave) will be informed of each vacancy.
· All vacancies will be advertised both internally and externally.
· All vacancies will be advertised at a minimum through a classified ad in a local newspaper or Facebook.
· Applicants will be asked to submit a CV and/or Application Form (see Appendix D).
· Every job applicant will be replied to without unreasonable delay.
· Potential applicants will be informed about the details and conditions of the position advertised.
Methods of assessment
All those who apply for a position are assessed on the following:
1. Application Form/Curriculum Vitae
2. Interview (See Appendix E for a sample interview process and Appendix F for a sample interview score sheet)
3. Satisfactory identity confirmation
4. Satisfactory reference checks
5. Satisfactory Garda/Police Vetting
1. Application Form
See Appendix D
2. Interview
· Our aim is to draw out as much relevant information from each candidate as possible to enable us to make an accurate assessment of their suitability for the job.
· Not all applicants will be called for interview.
· Play Together aims to ensure an interview process that is free from discrimination.
· A gender-balanced interview panel will be provided where possible, but this may not always be feasible. The selection of persons who sit on the interview panel is at the discretion of the Management.
· All questions posed to the candidates will be consistent and will relate directly to the person’s ability to do the job.
· After each interview is held, every candidate is assessed against the criteria set out in the job description, personal specification and their own qualifications.
· Candidates will be scored according to a recruitment matrix that has been designed to reflect the essential and desired criteria in the person specification. Fair and proper procedures will be followed.
· All candidates are informed of the outcome in writing (through email or other electronic mean) within two weeks or less. This time frame ensures that all interviews are analysed in depth in case of a large number of interviews are conducted.
· The reasons for non-selection will be identified.
· Records of all applications, screening criteria and interview notes will be kept for a minimum period of 12 months by the Management, before being discarded.
· Feedback will be given to unsuccessful internal candidates to support them in their future development.
· The identity of the applicant will be confirmed against an original (not a photocopy) official documentation (such as a driving licence or passport), which includes the applicant’s name, address, date of birth and a photograph.
· This should be compared with the written application.
· A copy of the ID will be kept on file.
4. Selection and Reference Checking
· Candidates may be requested to attend a pre-employment medical with a doctor and complete a Health Declaration at the managements discretion.
· Play Together Crèche will also validate any necessary documentation relating to visas and work permits, where applicable.
· Candidates will be required to sign and declare that the information they have provided is true.
· Candidates will be required to provide details of two previous employers for reference-checking.
· Successful candidates will have their references checked by owner/manager Iwona Sawicka before an offer of employment is made.
· References will be checked by telephone and in writing to verify the candidate’s identity and to check their employment history, qualifications, experience and suitability for the role.
· References should be recent, relevant to the post and should not be provided by family members.
References for Play Together staff, if needed -Registered provider Iwona Sawicka will:
· Either obtain a verbal reference, which must be documented on a verbal reference form, signed and dated by Owner/manager Iwona Sawicka and recorded confidentially on the employee’s file, or
· Verify a written reference from the referee. The referee is asked to confirm that they authored the written reference.
· The reference, once verified, is signed and dated by the registered provider Iwona Sawicka.
· References will only be obtained from a current employer with the candidate’s permission and after all other references have been taken up.
· References will be held on the staff members’ personnel file.
5. Qualifications
Each person appointed to work directly with children must either hold the appropriate minimum qualifications for the post or a confirmed exemption under the Grandfathering Clause or the Access and Inclusion Model (AIM).
The qualifications are specified in the DCYA Early Years Recognised Qualifications list
Qualifications are verified by viewing the original certificate, a certified copy of the certificate, the original transcript or certified copy of the transcript. Play together Crèche will document that the appropriate document has been verified.
6. Garda Vetting
It is the purpose of Play Together Crèche to ensure that appropriate vetting of all staff, students and volunteers who have access to children is carried out. This requires getting references from past employers and completing Garda vetting through the National Vetting Bureau (NVB).
Play Together Crèche process their Garda vetting through Early Childhood Ireland.
The Early Years Inspectors will require that all employees are Garda vetted before they commence employment with Play Together Crèche.
Regulations require that services complete vetting prior to any person being appointed or being allowed access to children.
Applicants that work unsupervised with children may not take up a post until a satisfactory outcome of the Garda vetting process in accordance with these guidelines is obtained.
The Childcare (Pre-school Services) Regulations 2016 require any person carrying on a pre-school service must ensure appropriate vetting of all staff, students and volunteers who have access to a child. This involves:
1. Checking employer references in respect of staff and checking reputable sources in respect of students and volunteers.
2. Seeking Garda vetting from An Garda Siochana.
3. In respect of applicants who have lived abroad, ensuring that these persons provide the necessary police vetting from other police authorities.
Tusla-The Child and Family Agency inspection standards require Garda Vetting forms to be held on site by childcare providers otherwise the service will be deemed non-compliant under Childcare Regulations and the National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) Act 2012.
Garda Vetting is not transferable from one service to another.
Delay in Obtaining Garda Vetting
Play Together Crèche will follow and respect the Garda Vetting Procedures and will follow the advice and guidance of the NVB and Tusla-The Child and Family Agency Early Years Inspector or any requirements that are compulsory under legislation.
All students must be Garda Vetted. Students will be required to complete a Garda Vetting Application Form before they commence their placement at Play Together Crèche. Students are required to complete Garda Vetting Application Forms in accordance with the guidelines issued by the National Vetting Bureau. Garda Vetting Forms will be held on site and are not transferable to other services or organisations.
If Play Together Crèche takes on a transition year student or student under 18 years of age their parent/guardian will be required to complete and sign a form declaring that there are no convictions against the transition year student. Play Together Crèche will obtain 2 validated references for all transition year students. A transition year student should never be left alone with any child in a pre-school service. They must be accompanied at all times by a staff member. Garda Vetting will be required, however, for all transition students over 18 years.
Employees Who Have Lived Outside of Ireland
For persons who have lived/worked outside of the state for periods of time, a Garda Vetting Form should be completed listing the addresses both in Ireland and other countries that the person has resided in. Additionally, the person is required to provide an original Police Vetting Certificate/s from the country/ countries that they have lived/ worked in. This applies to international applicants as well as Irish applicants who have resided / worked abroad. Employers should take reasonable steps to verify Police vetting from other countries and these attempts should be recorded on the personnel file.
The Garda Vetting form for completion will be supplied by Early Childhood Ireland
Only completed Garda vetting Forms returned and finalised by the NVB should be stored.
Outcomes of Police/Garda Vetting:
The report that comes back from the NVB may show:
1. No
previous convictions against the named applicant whose details were supplied.
2. Details of
convictions that appear on Garda records. These are based on the information supplied on the application for Garda vetting, however they cannot be positively confirmed by the Gardai as
fingerprints have not been supplied. These details must be verified with the applicant before any decision is made.
3. Prosecutions successful or not, pending or completed.
There is also the option of ‘possible matches’ where almost all the applicant’s details match but there is some difference, such as the address or date of birth. Again, these details must be verified with the applicant before any decision is made.
When a disclosure is returned from the NVB, Early Childhood Ireland will make contact with Play Together Crèche’s Manager.
When information is returned indicating a prosecution or possible match, it is recommended that a Garda vetting review meeting is held with the applicant. This has two purposes:
1. To verify that the applicant is the person about whom the disclosure of convictions has been made. The information returned by the Gardai may apply to the applicant and should be verified with the applicant before any decision is made.
2. To provide an opportunity for the employer and the applicant to discuss the disclosure from Garda vetting.
If the applicant disputes the information returned by the NVB, the onus is on the applicant to contact the Gardai to resolve the matter.
The Manager may also convene a meeting together with a senior member of staff/committee member or another appropriate personnel such as a Development Worker from the CCC or a Consultant from an organisation with expertise in this field if required. The meeting will be convened to discuss the disclosure from the NVB in relation to the (prospective) employee and to decide what action is required. Some points to consider are:
· Has the employee already indicated to Play Together Crèche what may by disclosed by the NVB.
· Does the employee disclosure ‘match’ the NVB disclosure?
· Where the employee has not indicated to Play Together Crèche what the NVB has disclosed then management need to use the risk assessment below. This approach must consider the risk in terms of the individual, the offence and the purpose of the job.
· Management may speak to the employee in relation to this matter before making a final decision.
· Management should record their decision and inform the (prospective) employee of Play Together Crèche of their decision.
Risk will be assessed in relation to the individual in terms of the risk due to the disclosed offence. In some cases the relationship between the offence and the position the individual has applied for will be clear enough to take a decision as to whether or not the individual is suitable for employment with Play Together Crèche. Points to consider are:
· Offences concerned with larceny, fraud and theft are crimes of deception and may be a behavioral indicator.
· Child Protection or related offences.
· Breaches in trust e.g. fraud.
· Offences against property e.g. arson, armed robbery.
· Drug related charges/convictions (particularly possession for sale or supply).
· Offences against the person e.g. assault, harassment, coercion.
· Offences against the state.
The risk will be assessed by the Executive Committee Assessment of the risk of the employee together with the offence
· In carrying out this assessment, the following factors in addition to other relevant case specific concerns should be considered and documented in support of the recommendation to either stay on the current work assignment or transfer to a more suitable one.
· The seriousness of the offence and its relevance to the safety of the children.
· The length of time since the offence was occurred.
· The age of the applicant at the time.
· Whether the offence was a ‘one off’ or part of a history of offending.
· Whether the applicant’s circumstances have changed since the offence was committed, making re-offending less likely.
· The degree of remorse or otherwise, expressed by the applicant and their motivation to change.
· The sentence imposed in relation to the offence.
· Whether the applicant has undertaken any kind of rehabilitation relating to the offence they committed e.g. anger management or drug treatment program.
· Work history since the offence.
· Protecting the employee from situations that might cause difficulty e.g. allegations against them etc.
The risk assessment and the decision to employ or not to employ should be carried out by those nominated as outlined above.
Data Collected through Garda Vetting
Play Together Crèche will conform to the provisions of the Data Protection Acts 1998-2018 in relation to the storage and retention of records.
The storage and security of Garda Vetting Form is a very important consideration under the Data Protection Acts. Appropriate security measures will be taken by Play Together Crèche
against unauthorized access to this data.
A minimum standard of security will include the following measures:
• Access to the information should be restricted to authorized staff on a “need-to- know” basis. Access to Garda Vetting Forms should be restricted to a maximum of two individuals within the service.
• Access will also be restricted to external authorized personnel - e.g. the Pre- school Inspector.
• The forms will be stored in a lockable filing cabinet located away from public areas.
• Any information which needs to be disposed of, will be done so carefully and thoroughly when out-of-date but only if a new vetting procedure has been completed.
• Premises will be secured when unoccupied.
Play Together Crèche will retain a record of the decision to appoint an employee and the reasons for the decision as part of the overall recruitment records. In the event of a decision not to appoint an employee on the basis of a Garda vetting disclosure, records should be retained confidentially indefinitely.
The Garda Vetting procedure should be followed every three years for continuing employees and in line with any legislation.
It is important to recognize the limitations of Garda/Police vetting, which can only alert an employer to criminal convictions. Research indicates that very few child abusers receive criminal convictions. Garda vetting will be used as part of the overall safe recruitment practices of Play Together Crèche and is one component of the recruitment decision. The Management reserves the right to use their own judgement about whether a person is suitable for a post at Play Together Crèche.
Probation is the fixed period of time at the beginning of employment where the employer assesses the suitability of the new employee for the post. The probation period is also a time where as well as monitoring an employee’s performance, the employer is under an obligation to support the new employee in their work..
Once all the pre-employment assessments have been completed, a written contract of employment will be extended to the successful candidate, with full details of his or her conditions of employment. It is Play Together policy that all contracts will include a probationary period, not longer than eleven months even when the successful candidate has been previously employed within the organisation. Reviews will be carried out throughout the probation period and in particular mid-way and at the end of the probation period. This gives Play Together Crèche an opportunity to assess the suitability of a new worker to work with children and to implement the organisation’s policies on safe practices.
· During the probation period the new staff member should meet with the manager or supervisor regularly. This is the ideal time for both parties to discuss how things are going and address any issue which may be arising. These meetings should be documented as it things don’t work out, there will be sufficient evidence to justify why the staff member was dismissed after their probation period.
· If stipulated in the contract, the probation period gives Play Together the right to dismiss with no or a shorter period of notice.
· If the contract is to be terminate at the end of the probation period, manager of Play Together will invite the staff member to a meeting. The staff member will be given the choice to bring a representative with them (e.g. a union representative). A final decision of termination will not be made until this meeting is held and all is considered.
· Document all meetings held. All staff (including those on probation) are entitled to fair procedure and national justice.
Contract of Employment
The Contract of Employment will include the following:
· The employee’s name, address and telephone number.
· Their date of birth, photographic proof of identity confirming that they are over 18 years of age.
· The name and telephone number of the employee’s next of kin to be notified in an emergency.
· The date of commencement in the service.
· The job description to include role and responsibility.
· Terms and conditions of employment.
Record Keeping
· A Personnel Records file must be opened and maintained for each employee of Play Together Crèche (Organisation of Working Time Act 1997). Staff members may have access to their own personnel files.
· Play Together Crèche will keep:
· References, Garda vetting and police vetting for a period of 5 years after the person starts working in the service. This includes current staff and staff who are no longer working in the service
· All other records on ex-employees for at least three years. After three years the files are reduced and only essential information is retained in accordance with GDPR requirements.
· Paperwork on candidates who were unsuccessful at interview is kept in accordance with GDPR requirements.
· Personnel records are stored in a confidential folder in accordance with GDPR requirements.
· All confidential personnel information is disposed of safely by owner/manager Iwona Sawicka following required retention periods, by shredding.
Legislation requires that we keep certain records on our staff members. It is our policy to keep the following records for each staff member:
· C.V.
· Copy of Advertisement
· Job Description
· Person/Job Specification (selection criteria)
· Questions for Interview
· Proof of identity (passport, driving license)
· Score Sheet & Interview Notes
· Two validated References (Verbal and Written)
· Processed Garda Vetting Form
· Copies of letters sent to the candidate
· Confirmation of Hire Form
· Copies of validated Qualifications
· Completed Induction Form
· Letter confirming successful probation completed
· Training Record (individual)
· Copies of any other correspondence with the employee during the tenure of their employment
Play Together Crèche will comply with Data Protection Acts 1998-2018 including:
· Obtaining and processing information fairly.
· Keeping it for explicit lawful purposes.
· Using it and disclosing it only in ways compatible with those purposes.
· Keeping it safe and secure.
· Retaining it for no longer than is necessary for that purpose – personal file no longer than 12 months after ceasing the employment in Play Together, except when otherwise required by legislation.
· Giving a person a copy of his or her personal data on request.
5. Communication Plan [For staff & families)
All parents/guardians are informed of the Recruitment and Selection Policy on enrollment. Management check with parents/guardians that they have read and understood the policy and provide any assistance needed.
A summary of this policy is included in the Parents’/guardians’ Handbook. This policy will also be included in staff induction and annual staff training.
A copy of all policies will be available during all hours of operation to all staff and to parents/guardians in the Policy Folder located on Play Together Creche’s website at www.playtogethergalway.com
Policies are shared with all parents/guardians via email.
Parents/guardians may receive a copy of the full policy at any time upon request. Parents/guardians and staff will receive notification of any updates through Play together Creche’s official communication panel.
6. Related Policies, Procedures and Forms
· Inclusion Policy
· Child Protection Policy and Procedures
· Confidentiality Policy
· Record Keeping Policy
· Garda Vetting Form
· Essential Competences (see Appendix A)
· Recruitment Schedule Checklist (see Appendix B)
· Job Descriptions and Occupational Profiles (see Appendix C)
· Application Form (see Appendix D)
· Interview Form (see Appendix E)
· Selection Criteria for Candidates – Score Matrix (see Appendix F)
· Procedure for Garda Vetting (Appendix G)
7. References/Supporting Documents/Related Legislation
· Tusla: Quality Regulatory Framework
· Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) Regulations 2016 and Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) (Amendment) Regulations 2016
· Registrations, Early Years Inspectorate, Tusla
· Our Duty to Care: The Principles of Good Practice for the Protection of Children and Young People
· National Vetting Bureau, An Garda Síochana
· NPCC: ACRO Criminal Records Office, International Child Protection Certificate (UK)
· UK Government, Disclosure and Barring Service
· Early Childhood Ireland Garda Vetting
· Equal Status (Amendment) Act 2012
· Department of Children and Youth Affairs, Early Years Recognised Qualifications.
· National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) Act 2012
· NERA: The National Employment Rights Agency
· Recruitment and Retention: A good practice guide for early years, Childcare and playwork providers Sure Start DFES, 2003
Play Together Creche considers the way their staff dress and their appearance is of significant importance in portraying a professional image to parents, visitors, clients and colleagues and encourages a sense of belonging.
The Dress Code policy is designed to guide staff on Play Together Creche standards of dress and appearance. All staff’s appearance must be professional at all times both within the workplace and when representing the service. Play Together Creche values its staff and does not intend to quell personal expression- but the health, safety and welfare of children and staff is paramount at all times.
Policy (staff, students and volunteers)
• clothing and shoes must be clean tidy and neat at all times
• comfortable shoes should be worn at all times. High-heels, toe-less sandals (flip flops) or backless shoes should be avoided in light of the dangers these can present to staff and children.
• makeup is not forbidden, but it shouldn’t be too heavy and with the use of strongly scented cosmetics
• hair should be clean, washed, neat and tied back at meals time and in the baby room
• nails should be short and clean at all times.
• staff are required to change into appropriate overalls for food handling.
• staff are role models for young children so must exercise a high level of personal care and hygiene at all times.
• Chewing gum is not permitted.
8. Who Must Observe This Policy
This policy must be observed by all registered providers, managers and all staff members.
9. Actions to be Followed if the Policy is not Implemented
· If the policy is not implemented, investigation will be taken by Manager/Owner (Iwona Sawicka).
· If you, as a staff member or a parent, consider that this policy is not being implemented, you can follow the Complaints Policy and Procedure to make a complaint.
10. Contact Information
If you need more information about this policy, contact:
Reviewed |
March 2021 |
Iwona Sawicka |
Next Review Date
March 2022 |